To white and Black - Assignment
See enclosed instructions on the Files page of the Website - To White and Black Assignment
Take a 9" by 12" piece of Bristol Board and mark out 4 squares 3 1/2 " x 3 1/2 inches on it using masking tape. Label each square with one of the following headings on the tape. Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall. Using paints mix and apply color that you think represents each of these headings in it's relevant square. When dry and completed remove the tape. Write the title again on the back of the bristol board behind each relevant painting.
Take a second 9" by 12" piece of Bristol Board and mark out 2 squares 3 1/2 " x 3 1/2 inches on it using masking tape. Title one "colors I like" and one "colors I dislike" - paint colors to represent these two titles.